From Grandma’s Country Kitchen — Never Fail Pie Crust

With this recipe comes the memory of the first time I made it. Now that I think back, it’s kinda funny. I was a new baker to pie crusts and pies period. (I was newly married, too. So, of course, I had to impress the spouse.) The first time I made this crust, I was standing at the kitchen table at Mom’s. I had measured and mixed all the ingredients to perfection (or so I thought).

My uncle was sitting at the table watching me. We were chitchatting back and forth and laughing, all the while I’m working with the pie crust. Finally, I was able to stretch the dough into the pie plate. I poked the crust with a fork so it would not shrink away from the edges. Before I started on the pie crust, I had mixed together apples and cinnamon with sugar. I pour the apples onto the crust. I set the pie in the center of the oven. I set the timer. for the allotted time.

Feeling pretty proud of myself and exhausted at the same time, I plopped down on a chair. The timer went off and I checked the pie. The crust wasn’t brown enough. I kept checking on the pie and it just wasn’t getting that golden brown look to it. Finally, my uncle told me to just take the pie out. After it cooled a bit, I cut him a slice. The crust was so thick and still raw in the center. My uncle ate that slice of pie without complaint. He did have several cups of coffee with it, though. With a twinkle in his eye, he said, “Laurie, that recipe is enough for seven, yes, SEVEN, pie crusts. The key to making a great tasting pie crust is to make sure it’s paper thin.” I felt my face turn several shades of red.

I have made several homemade pies since that day.

The recipe below makes seven pie crusts.


3 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1 cup solid Crisco

1 egg, beaten with

5 tablespoons water (or milk)

1 teaspoon vinegar

Pinch of salt

Mix and roll out

Here is the recipe for the fruit for the pie


2 cups chopped apples

3/4 cup sugar

1 egg, beaten

Cinnamon to taste

Mix together and pour into crust.

Bake at 425 degrees 10 to 15 minutes. Or can bake crust without filling until lightly brown.

Count your blessings daily!

Laurie Jackson

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